Our History
River Falls Mutual Insurance Company was organized on July 1, 1876, to provide fire and lightning insurance to residents in nine townships in Pierce and St Croix Counties. At this time it was very difficult for rural farms and homes to get affordable insurance from the market. By forming a town mutual they could share the risk and provide insurance to each other at an affordable cost.
In the 1960s the company bylaws were amended so that its authorized territory would include all of Pierce and St.Croix counties. Then in the 1980s they were further amended to include Dunn and Pepin Counties in western Wisconsin. In 2019, we added Barron and Polk County to our territory. In 2022, we added four more counties to our territory: Chippewa, Clark, Eau Claire, and Taylor.
It truly is a way that Neighbors can insure Neighbors as the policyholders own the company. For over 145 years River Falls Mutual is committed to providing a full line of insurance coverage to its policyholders. Each year at its annual meeting board members are elected to form a management team that works with the manager to govern the Company. This board continually monitors the reinsurance contracts and investment policies to make sure that the company stays strong and limits its risk.
In the 1990s The Dusek Agency was formed to provide customers with those products that the Mutual could not provide. This is a private agency that’s sole purpose is to provide these other products exclusively to Mutual policy holders. The Dusek Agency is continually adding companies to its product mix to insure we can offer these products at the best value to our Mutual policyholders.
Contact Us
River Falls Mutual
218 North Main Street
River Falls, Wisconsin 54022
Tel: 715-425-5292
Fax: 715-425-1472

Jeff Dusek
General Manager

Brent Olson
Assistant General Manager

Kelly Andrea
Office Manager

Mary Cottrell
Insurance Administrator
Board of Directors
Richard Ruemmele
Vice President
Jeff Holst
George Matzek
- Timothy Wiff
- Daniel Sitz
- Daniel Puhrmann
- Tim Wells